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Tiles Generator

Tiles Generator is the very special tool, provided by Flow. It helps to create photorealistic ceramic tiles with unique texture randomization system. TilesGen_01



'Create Quick Material' button will be active only when the active object is the editable type with the possibility of adding the materials.

Object types:

  • Mesh
  • Curve
  • Surface
  • Text

This tool works the similiar way, as adding materials from the Library.

Object Mode

  • To create tiles material, select the object, then select the desired material slot to replace, then click "Tiles Generator", type the material name (or leave default), select the preset, then click OK to add the material.
  • The material will be added to the selected material slot. If active object has no material slots yet, the slot will be created and the selected material added to this slot.
  • If the chosen material is already in the library, the material will not load as a duplicate, it will be replaced by the existing material. This allows you to add the same material via the plugin many times without duplicating it.

Edit Mode

  • To create tiles material, select the object, then select the desired material slot to replace, then click "Tiles Generator", type the material name (or leave default), select the preset, then click OK to add the material.
  • The material will be added to the selected faces. If the selected material is already in one of the slots, the selected faces will assign to this slot.
  • If no faces are selected, the selected material will append in the end of the material slots.


You can load custom textures for color, roughness and normal map. Tile generator will randomize the mapping of the textures, to achieve the tile 'randomness' effect. If the randomization property is set properly, the texture pattern should be "shuffled" and no repeatable effects should occur.

Adjusting the material in Shader Editor

Created material can be customized later, as the regular material, using the Shader Editor. The tiles material is using two node groups with easy adjustments. You can add and set up any textures between those two node groups, all you need is to connect the Texture Vector output from the node group to the Vector input to all the textures.
